CAMH Research Study - Interviews and Focus Groups

Executive Board Update

CAMH Research Study – Interviews and Focus Groups

Dear Members,

We are sharing the below on behalf of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. You may have already completed the survey after we sent out an email about it in December of 2023, the study is now recruiting participants for focus groups and interviews. Please consider participating to help shape crisis line services in Canada.

Have you ever contacted a crisis line? If not, what stopped you?

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) would like to hear from you to help understand what public safety personnel and first responders want and need from a crisis line. Crisis line services are changing in Canada and participating in this research study will ensure that your views help shape those changes.

There are currently three different ways to participate:

  • 15-minute anonymous survey
  • 90-minute virtual focus groups
  • 1-hour virtual interviews

If you have any questions, please reach out to CAMH directly by emailing Gisell Castillo at

Sign up for an Interview or Focus Group
Take the Survey
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