In Memory of Jeff Stewart – Gold-Line Paracord Bracelets Have Arrived

Re: In Memory of Jeff Stewart – Gold-Line Paracord Bracelets

Dear Members,

Those who worked closely with Jeff will remember that he always wore a black paracord bracelet. One of our members, Sarah Present, has started an initiative to purchase a batch of gold-line paracord bracelets (pictured above) to honour and remember Jeff by.  

The bracelets that were ordered with Sarah in September have now arrived. The final cost is $14 dollars each also covering the costs for the family members to each have one paid for. You can send Sarah an etransfer to or pay cash when you receive them from her. You can contact Sarah at 778-955-2526 or

Sarah is also doing a second smaller order for those that missed the first round, the cost being $14 each. You can place your orders directly with Sarah at 778-995-2526 or by email at to order before November 5, 2021.

Please include:

  • Your name and phone number
  • Number of bracelets you would like to order
  • Wrist measurements for any bracelets (if you are ordering more than one, please include measurements for each or specify if they should all be the same). The company will convert the measurements into the appropriate sizes.

In solidarity,

Donald Grant