Regional Elections and Nominations

Executive Board Update

Regional Elections and Nominations 2024

Dear Member,

The CUPE 8911 Executive sincerely thanks everyone who submitted and accepted nominations to be a regional Union representative. In the Lower Mainland Region, there will be an election for fifteen (15) Regional Stewards – all other positions were elected by acclamation. The results are as follows:

Vancouver Island Region:

Regional Vice-President (1 position, 1-year term) – acclaimed

  1. Jessica Moreau

Regional Steward (10 positions, 1-year term) – acclaimed

  1. Shad Martin
  2. Aman Bhangu
  3. KC Carr
  4. Jessica Norman
  5. Vacant
  6. Vacant
  7. Vacant
  8. Vacant
  9. Vacant
  10. Vacant

Occupational Health and Safety Representative (4 positions, 1-year term) – acclaimed

  1. Dustin Park
  2. Vacant
  3. Vacant
  4. Vacant

Bylaw Committee Member (1 position, 1-year term) – Vacant

  1. Vacant

Lower Mainland Region:

Regional Vice-President (1 position, 1-year term) – acclaimed

  1. Chris Withers

Occupational Health and Safety Representative (12 position, 1-year term) – acclaimed

  1. Matthew Bordewick
  2. Cynthia Lam
  3. Talana Watt Madu
  4. Carrie James
  5. Heidi Fritsch
  6. Brayden da Silva
  7. Heather Giles
  8. Sep Bastami
  9. Vacant
  10. Vacant
  11. Vacant
  12. Vacant

Regional Steward (15 position, 1-year term) – election

  1. Jenna Berg-Iverson
  2. Jacqueline Lai
  3. Andrea Petruzzelli
  4. Jeff Croll
  5. Louise Considine
  6. Kieran Wilson
  7. Brayden da Silva
  8. Nouria Gagne
  9. Anthony Posteraro
  10. Rajwant Kump
  11. Brandon Parkes
  12. Emily Wright
  13. Cassandra Byron
  14. Jenny Warrington
  15. Cyndi Nguyen
  16. Heidi Fritsch
  17. Kristine Smith
  18. Martina Buehler

Bylaw Committee Member – Vacant

  1. Vacant

Election Information:

  • The election will be for the Lower Mainland Region only as all Vancouver Island positions were acclaimed.
  • Secret electronic ballots will be sent out by Simply Voting.
  • The online polls will open on February 13, 2024 at 5 pm.
  • The online polls will close on February 27, 2024 at 5 pm.
  • Each member voting will be required to vote for the full number of candidates to be elected (15 candidates must be selected for a ballot to be valid).
  • A majority of votes cast will be required before any candidate can be declared elected, and second and subsequent ballots will be taken if necessary, to obtain a majority. On the second and subsequent ballots, the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes in the previous ballot will be dropped.
  • In the event of a tie vote, a second and subsequent ballot(s) will be taken if necessary until a candidate receives a majority of votes cast and can be declared elected.

Sheldon Miller has been appointed returning officer for this election. If you have any questions please contact him at sheldon.miller@ecpbc.caIf you are interested in one of the vacant positions, please contact the Union Executive at

In solidarity,

Carrie James
CUPE 8911 Recording Secretary